Unceasing Decolonization

Unceasing Decolonization

Begin Shifting

We begin with consideration of this neti-neti:
I am not a colonial – what am I? 

Undock the clock

CONTINUE shifting— from a 24/7 lifestyle to work centered on the seasons and the moon.

Unclutch the too much

CONTINUE shifting— from land ownership to responsibility for the land.

Unrobe the globe

Continue shifting from priestly castes to direct connection to Spirit/Self.

Unhinge the mind

Continue shifting from a hierarchial model to a network model.


Move forward in your own decolonization work

Undock the clock

Whatever the ultimate reality of time may be, what matters most is our perception of it.  Our sense of time is amongst our primary, learned sense making tools. We use it in all that we think about, do, and ultimately become.

We ask “How long will this take?” Impatient when fast food takes 10 minutes to prepare. Are we there yet? Is a common metaphor of a child’s perception of time. What is ours?


Unclutch the too much

This is a Seven Generations consideration and we ask Elders of every nation to join in the unwinding of the colonizer’s fingers that are strengthened through the artificial concept of ‘title’.

Responsibility for the land is a paradigm that recognizes the Land itself as a stakeholder in all matters regarding itself.

This is separate from we who depend on the land for survival—which is everyone.


Unrobe the globe

We look deeper into our collective memories to the times before today’s ‘revealed truths’ to connect our wellness work to the well springs of spirit that is an in separatable part of all that is.

The life force is given many names in different cultures.

The path we follow to this common well head of nourishment is Reiki.

Reiki is a statistically evident wellness practice that connects mind, body, spirit.


Unhinge the mind

Modern psychology sits upon a widely accepted hierarchical model of the mind continuously reinforced through the usage of the prefixes to the terms we use for consciousness.
We use ‘sub’ to create subconscious, ‘un’ to create unconscious. This is due to history rather than what is directly observable.

What we actually see is a concurrent admixture of brainwaves influenced primarily at the cellular level.



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